Downloadable Products

Listed below are current resources offered by Maureen Minnehan Jones.

Steps to Release Downloadable MP3 series

Steps to Release Downloadable MP3 series

Book Companion MP3 series

Track 1: Introduction

Track 2: Focuses on the grounding procedure and the process of using the Infinity Sign to clear the block wall of fear.

Track 3: Guides you through the process of cleansing and balancing the seven chakras.

Track 4: Includes steps to release anger and resentment every time it comes up so that you can fulfill your deep need inside and turn anger into happiness.

Track 5: Covers the process of releasing powerlessness and instilling your DNA (Dynamic Natural Authentic) Power.

Track 6: Outlines steps to release the lack of self-love and instill self-love as the foundation of your body.

Please do not drive or operate machinery while listening to these MP3s.

NOTE: Please do not order MP3's if you have the following diagnosis: Misophonia/Hyperacusis and Sensory Processing Disorder.


Download Instructions

After your payment is processed, the file will begin to automatically download to the folder where your files normally download.

The file is a larger .zip file so it may take a minute top download.

Once the file is downloaded, you need to unzip the compressed file to access and play all the MP3's.

NOTE: PayPal, in some browsers, does not always redirect your browser back to the purchase page, but the download does complete.  

Healing Your Feet: Emotional Causes of Plantar Fasciitis MP3

Healing Your Feet: Emotional Causes of Plantar Fasciitis MP3

Maureen Minnehan Jones RN talks on her experience and successful results of using Imagery to heal Plantar Fasciitis in this Imagery International teleseminar. 

NOTE: Please do not order MP3's if you have the following diagnosis: Misophonia/Hyperacusis and Sensory Processing Disorder


Download Instructions

After your payment is processed, in 10 seconds you will be sent to hear the mp3.

You can then click on the "three dots" to Download the mp3.

How to Reduce the Risk of Having a Stroke MP3

How to Reduce the Risk of Having a Stroke MP3

Identifying the underlying psychological causes of a stroke may help you prevent this debilitating condition.

What if we could add one more layer to prevent and heal strokes by identifying and releasing the psychological aspects of strokes?


Download Instructions

After your payment is processed, in 10 seconds you will be sent to hear the mp3.

You can then click on the "three dots" to Download the mp3.

Define Your Destiny: 70 Tips PDF

70 Tips

“It's choice--not chance--that determines your destiny.” 

~Jean Nidetch
This booklet brings you practical and immediately usable insight in bite-size pieces to create your life as you want it to be no matter where you are on your journey. There are a variety of choices in this booklet and you are sure to find one idea you had yet to consider.


Download Instructions

After your payment is processed, the file will begin to automatically download to the folder where your files normally download.

NOTE: PayPal, in some browsers, does not always redirect your browser back to the purchase page, but the download does complete.