My mom introduced me to Maureen just before my 17th birthday. Little did I know it would be the greatest gift I received that year.

When I met Maureen I immediately felt comfortable. She…


I am diabetic and I came to see you for severe pain in my feet. After the healing session and your 40 day program, I have minimal pain in my feet now and can walk without a problem. On a scale of…

Ron Alexander

Dear Maureen, I can't remember how I came across your name and learned about your special talent and gift to reach deep into the cellular level and release the…

I felt GREAT after the session, like I finally found myself….I've been doing the 40 days of sinking in program too. It has changed the way I look at EVERYTHING. My husband has noticed a difference…

Margarete Finn

Maureen's work has truly changed my life. She has a wonderful way about her and a way of putting your life's problems in perspective. I've learned a new way of thinking that makes it natural to do…


I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome by my doctor, and suffered with this disabling condition for four years before meeting Maureen. After one session with Maureen, the chronic fatigue…

Sarah McClain

I felt energized and joyful after my session with Maureen. As I worked with the positive images over the next 40 days I was able to sustain what we'd accomplished. This is big news as so often…

Lynn-Telford-Sahl, M.A. Psychology with Holistic Specialization, Certified Addiction Counselor, Author of "The Greatest Change of All"

I had been overwhelmed by whatever it is I had. I had been told it is all a part of going through your "change". But what I experienced was complete confusion not just forgetfulness. Erratic blood…

Anne M

I went to see Maureen about an issue with my father. By working with Maureen, I realized I did not have control as a child so one of my survival tools as an adult was to have "hands on control". I…


Maureen and the M.O. Technique have lifted the weight from my shoulders! I resolved issues in my life that fortunately, had not manifested into critical illness. That is the wonder of the M.O.…
